Rabu, 09 September 2009

sesuai perintah

command line ?!?!?!(funny picture)
pilihlah jawaban a,b,c,d atau e yang benar!!!
Bila kita melakukan perintah itu maka semua ujian kita pasti bernila 100 kadang kita yang salah karena jawaban salah kadang kita pilih.... ;)
kalau mahasiswa yang satu ini memang sudah melakukan perintah dengan benar, akan tetapi hasilnya tetep aja salah mas...
jangan dicontoh iaph :)
neeeh yang salah yang ngasih soal apa yang bikin soal??????
choose answer a, b, c, d or e are true!When we do that then all the test orders we definitely worth the 100 sometimes we are wrong because sometimes we choose wrong answers .... ;)if this one student who had been doing the command correctly, but the results remain aja wrong ...ckckckckckkckdo not be copied:)This is one that makes about what makes the matter ??????

"duduk sejenak akan memberi ketenangan sebelum menyelesaikan setiap persoalan"
"Sit down for a moment before finishing will give peace of every issue"

yang punya gambar lucu kirim aja ke
who has a funny picture send it todaniel.wp@live.com

all my funy picture

4 komentar:

  1. I don't understand ur language, but these papers keep me laughing for long.

    I particularly like the way the guy expanded (a+b).

    Thanx :))

  2. thx for your coment bibs.... :)

  3. walaaaahhh
    very howw
    melu-melu p.dib yowwww

  4. to mr ebb
    this file from mr.dibs ;)
